What's Wrong With Zen Garden Purchasers?
By Johnny Betts
I was looking through a catalog to try to get some ideas for Christmas gifts. I saw
an advertisement for something called a Zen Garden. Here's what it contains: a box
with sand in it, a few rocks, and a small rake. The ad says something about finding
internal peace while tending the Zen Garden. The retail price? $34.95!!!!!!!!!!!
Folks, I can make you a stupid Zen Garden for FREE! Better yet,
you can make your very own Zen Garden! Here's how:
- Go outside.
- Pick up some rocks and dirt/sand.
- Put rocks and dirt/sand in box.
- Use fork for miniature rake.
- Find internal peace by realizing you're not a moron who just wasted $34.95 on a
"Zen Garden".
If you'd pay $34.95 for that then your backside needs to find the business end of my
foot. I'll only charge you $29.95 for THAT business exchange.